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Handwoven dish towels in an advancing twill pattern. one towel is grey and white, the other is wine an white with a teal hem. Shot is a closeup with a slate grey background.

Coming Up For Air

While Q4 had a singular focus on my other business (Sea Air Arts) and the holiday sales that are a part of physical products, it is now Q1 and I can start thinking about A Scattered Creative again. I do have some grandiose plans - as usual, I'm sure my ambitions exceed my reach but... If you want to reach the moon, aim for the sun!

As I plod my way through taxes prep and try to massage my tired brain with a little weaving time, my mind is wondering towards my next pattern and other useful things for makers. All the ideas in my head are mostly to solve my own problems but I hope they will help you too. While they are too vague at this point to give any hints, I thought I'd slip in a little productivity tip for those of us who have a hard time staying on task long enough to finish a project. Having stuggled with this issue for centuries (well, decades. Lots of decades) I have come up with one singular technique for getting to the finish line. At least on some projects. 😜

What is my secret?

Habits and routines.

I know, boring! But by forcing myself to stick to a routine, whether I want to or not, eventually it becomes a habit I can't break. Things get done.

Sunday I do a load of lights, Monday is darks, Wednesday is towels... The laundry never piles up, it's on auto-pilot.

After dinner is movie time with hubby - I do hand work. Eventually I get things knitted, or hemmed. They get done.

First thing in the morning is loom time. I get things woven. Of course it helps that I ❤️ LOVE to weave!

You get the idea, if you have a project you really want to get done, make working on it part of your routine. Add one thing at a time until it's a habit, then build on that. BTW, thanks to James Clear and his book Atomic Habits - it's awesome.

Revel in Color!
