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View of a beach overlooking some morning glories in bloom

A New Look, a New Phase

A Scattered Creative's logo, an abstract dandelion in aquas and bright green with a white background Welcome to my new digital digs. This website will be focusing on digital accessories for the maker - and a few helpful digital products for keeping the creative mind in check. If you have issues with focus - I can relate, and hopefully, help.

If you are new here, I'm a creative with a wandering mind. I am a maker who loves fiber (specifically weaving, knitting and some sewing) who also dabbles in a multitude of other distractions, like melting glass and occasionally making jewelry. But that's another story ( Air Arts logo, an abstract wave design in aquas and blues

Adding products will happen as I work around my day job (and a lot of other distractions), I hope you'll check in occasionally to see what's new. I'm learning a host of new digital and online skills so bare with me on my journey.

Currently, I'm playing with this "building a new website" thing again. Some day, I hope to find a platform that will do what I want, easily (maybe I've hit gold this time?). If not, it will be my 3 year (or so) ritual ;-)

If you have suggestions for improvement, click the "Contact" button in the top navigation bar and let me know. Thanks!

Revel in color,

